Friday, September 24, 2010

Team Asha Weekly Rundown Edition 2

23rd September 2010

Hi Team Asha,

Congrats on completing 2 weeks of training! All of us have now successfully accomplished running-walking 4 miles, which is almost a third of the half-marathon distance! Well done indeed!! How was your running experience? Did you have fun? Why not blog about it?

Team Asha Facebook page

Team Asha is on Facebook. Join us on FB and keep your friends and family informed on your training and races.

Rogue locker room weekly running schedule

Have you logged into your Rogue member resources? Rogue member resources include a weekly training schedule. You will have access to other great resources for stretching, nutrition, race day tips etc. Look it up on your rogue member page if you haven’t already.

Team Asha News

Team Asha runner Gayatri Rao is participating in the 2010 Texas Mamma Jamma Ride - a recreational bike ride to raise much needed funds for supporting women coping with breast cancer. We are proud of you Gayatri and wish you the very best for the 46mile ride!

How Hot Are We??

Pretty frigid :-( :-( ….the Fundraising Thermometer shows that we haven’t raised any amount so far. That’s all right though….I’m sure that this team will catch up fast. Let’s remember to update our personal pages on Team Asha website (contact Neeharika ( to update your page once your write-up is ready) this week.

Are you familiar with the projects supported by Asha, Austin? If you want to learn more, visit the Asha Austin page,

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